Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wikis VS Blogs

Wikis and blogs both function similarly. They are communication tools that allow for the exchange and sharing of knowledge on any particular subject. Blogs are opinions and information on special interest, while wikis are a collecttion of information where users update and revise constantly in order to keep the information current. Blogs have the ability to influence a large number of people since a lot are opinionated. One blog in particular takes that to an extreme because the people moderating it are WalMart employees, and they do not hide their identities. The New York Times highlighted this in an article entitled "Wal-Mart Tastemakers Write Unfiltered Blog."
This idea of accountability brings forth a very interesting debate between wikis and blogs. There is argument that blogs are not anonymous and therefore, are better forms of communicating information because of the accessibility of the author and or contributors. Wikis on the other hand are not as clear in this aspect. There are also those who argue that blogs can be seen as unconstitutional because of the capacity it has to limit or jeopardize users' right to free speech out of fear of retribution.

A big part of being able to make blogs more collaborative is changing the pre conceived notion that it is only for opinion. Most people dont see it as a means to collaborate while the purpose of wikis is precisely collaboration. I Think a nice way to use a wiki is to create reenforcement and more credibility of the information by posting info and facts that corresponds more strongly with what has already been added, rather than randomly adding new stuff.

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