Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Social Networking sites

In a conversation with some friends I asked why most of them had not joined twitter and relied heavily on status updates on facebook as the way to keep friends posted. Facebooks is more interesting than twitter some of my friends said. Twitter is boring.
The difference between updating status on facebook and twitter is that twitter allows people to keep tabs on celebrities and institutions etc.... while most of the people we are acquiented with and with whom we interact are using facebook for this purpose. In addition Myspace post seems to be more elementary and high school population as opposed to the more mature college student facebook user. While myspace users will post cute graphics with the message: "just passing by to say hello," Many facebook users are posting course related or college related material such school networking events, course information, book information and so. Friendster seems like the next version of facebook. Instead of having a wall post and a newsfeed section, you can still get the benefits of keeping in touch with your friends and getting updates and notifications on their recent activities but it allows you to filter what friends you want to know about by bookmarking and not receiving updates on 100 different friends. Which for those who stalk people on facebook it just makes it that much easier.

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