Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The next New thing

I'm very excited about this idea of a semantic web. Its a bit hard to understand the specifics on how exactly it will be implemented and it has a lot to do with the creation of the right software and configuring words to recognize synonyms or contextual meanings of the word. Its actually a very complicated process and its the reason why so far getting a website that really has it right hasn't been possible yet.
Perfecting the software and fixing the glitches is in the works and hopefully soon we can do search that says: I'm in the mood for a brazilian atmosphere and the result could give me brazialian restaurant with nice music and relaxed atmosphere. Things would just be so much simpler and less time consuming.

Other's Term Project

I was drawn in by Mei's presentation on the dangers of new media. I feel she did a very good job at taking this idea of "New Media" being dangerous. She did a very good job at supporting her topic with examples and talking to us about the youtube live video of a teen suicide. But more striking was the case of the 13 year old Megan. When you hear about these things its just so hard to conceive that some people can be so ill natured.

Old Vs New

The answer to this question of the definition of old media and new media can be very subjective and is better done through example because technology is constantly evolving something that is new today can be old tomorrow.

basic methods of media such as radio, television and print can be seem as the old media or the ground for this new media developing. If it were me i would not call it old vs new media, but rather evolving media. The phone we can say is the old media and the Iphone is the new media. We still have the original technology of a device that was created for voice exchange and communication exchange, the new media expanded the phone with all features and functions of a cumpter plus the photo taking. Thus the result a device which functions with its original purpose plus computer photo camara capabilities.
Another very good example is the mp3 players, began as simple devices that stored music with no additional chips or memory sticks added to it, and it has now turned into a photo storage device and even ur own digital game device.
What is even a better example news paper, magazines and tv as tools for releasing interviews. We no longer have to wait for the 10'clock news or 20/20 in order to hear the latest news stories or the latest pressconference. We now have podcasts where the interviews are available live or with minutes. Everything is evolving even books can be seen as old media with the new digital book known as the kindle. Technology is constantly changing and we must keep up.

My term Project Presentation

My project focused on the semantic web the idea that the internet can develop the capacity of syntex or context comprehension. It focused on understand how far the web has come today from being merely a producing data tool, to a interactive tool for users to a facilitating tool for the user. Also semantic ready software, databases, sites and applications containing or demonstrating semantic capabilities or lack there of. The competitive implications and the lack of collaboration on the part site owners.

Modern Realities Vs Virtual Worlds

Many people have never heard of Second Life although it isn't new. Perhaps the term is what hasn't been used much. It is a technology that allows users to create characters known as avatars, who are put into different life settings or environments that allow them to experience different things they aren't experiencing in real life. For example a tour around The Luv, or flying on a magic carpet in Egypt.

Aside from entertainment purposes, corporations have also benefited from it by using it to create virtual tours in the case of educational institutions. Other companies have used it for training purposes and business tasks such as virtual conferences.

The dark side can be seen with it being a way for people to live their fantasies, there is a danger of people not being able to differentiate between life and fiction and perhaps it can develop a sort of dependence. We must also consider that it may harm face to face communication and interpersonal communication skills. But the benefit on society can be seen when these technologies are being used to help the disabled in the case of autism and paralysis.

I believe a great benefit can be presented with this technology with government intelligence and Homeland security agencies in order to protect the country and the public from security breaches. simulated robberies and SWAT team strategies can be planned and rehearsed. And staff can be trained through this technology.

Advice to Baruch

In sight of the recent Student Government (USG) elections, I feel baruch's attempt to use technologies as a more effective strategy for voting backfired. One of the parties running complained because the use of technology was giving a significant advantage to one of the parties who stood around with labtops recruting people to vote. I think in a situation such as anysort of elections, Baruch should stick to the old fashion booth method. It proves to be less contraversial and more reliable because there is less chance that votes are being swayed.

Although I would really like the use of the new TV's on the main lobbies to include some sort of computer lab Roster with the room number and available open seat. It would be great if we didn't have to waste time walking around from campus to campus trying to find an available computer especially during finals and last week of classes. It maybe two much investing considering the real need is only temporary for finals but it would be such a great service if baruch was able to do it.

Social Networking

In the societal aspect, social networking has undoubtedly bridged the communication gap between friends and families through out long geographic distances. It has also created and joined communities of people with similar interests as well as significantly increasing society's opportunity for networking.
Big companies such as record labels which have countless departments and thousands of people working in the same building are creating their own social sites to enable a connection between employees and foster a more collaborative corporate culture.
The dark side can be the difficulty with separating work and pleasure. Social networking within corporations can pose as a challenge to productivity and the possibility of increase in HR related problems. Another dark side is that many times through the use of these social sites we become easy targets for predators such as stalkers, personal enemies etc...and in consequence we maybe giving up some of our privacy rights.

Wikis VS Blogs

Wikis and blogs both function similarly. They are communication tools that allow for the exchange and sharing of knowledge on any particular subject. Blogs are opinions and information on special interest, while wikis are a collecttion of information where users update and revise constantly in order to keep the information current. Blogs have the ability to influence a large number of people since a lot are opinionated. One blog in particular takes that to an extreme because the people moderating it are WalMart employees, and they do not hide their identities. The New York Times highlighted this in an article entitled "Wal-Mart Tastemakers Write Unfiltered Blog."
This idea of accountability brings forth a very interesting debate between wikis and blogs. There is argument that blogs are not anonymous and therefore, are better forms of communicating information because of the accessibility of the author and or contributors. Wikis on the other hand are not as clear in this aspect. There are also those who argue that blogs can be seen as unconstitutional because of the capacity it has to limit or jeopardize users' right to free speech out of fear of retribution.

A big part of being able to make blogs more collaborative is changing the pre conceived notion that it is only for opinion. Most people dont see it as a means to collaborate while the purpose of wikis is precisely collaboration. I Think a nice way to use a wiki is to create reenforcement and more credibility of the information by posting info and facts that corresponds more strongly with what has already been added, rather than randomly adding new stuff.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Social Networking sites

In a conversation with some friends I asked why most of them had not joined twitter and relied heavily on status updates on facebook as the way to keep friends posted. Facebooks is more interesting than twitter some of my friends said. Twitter is boring.
The difference between updating status on facebook and twitter is that twitter allows people to keep tabs on celebrities and institutions etc.... while most of the people we are acquiented with and with whom we interact are using facebook for this purpose. In addition Myspace post seems to be more elementary and high school population as opposed to the more mature college student facebook user. While myspace users will post cute graphics with the message: "just passing by to say hello," Many facebook users are posting course related or college related material such school networking events, course information, book information and so. Friendster seems like the next version of facebook. Instead of having a wall post and a newsfeed section, you can still get the benefits of keeping in touch with your friends and getting updates and notifications on their recent activities but it allows you to filter what friends you want to know about by bookmarking and not receiving updates on 100 different friends. Which for those who stalk people on facebook it just makes it that much easier.